
India: Combating Recession

  Introduction Being history enthusiasts in a country like India with a vast and diverse history nurtured us to become a citizen who has a lot of curiosity about the nation's future prospects. India from the very past has always been seen as a prosperous nation with tons of resources, land and rich cultural diversity but economically the world view about India is a little different, we mean there are a little to no schools of Indian economic thought and the country is often perceived as “a place with many resources with disappointing potentials of exploiting them”. However, from time to time India has proven the world wrong whenever it tried to degrade the nation’s potential. The first democratic election was called the biggest gamble in history and remarks were passed highlighting the ignorance of the nation and undermining its democracy but proving all the allegations and remarks wrong, India has emerged as one of the world’s biggest and most successful democracies and the fifth